HDFS disk space vs NameNode heap size

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HDFS disk space vs NameNode heap size

In HDFS, data and metadata are decoupled. Data files are split into block files that are stored, and replicated on DataNodes across the cluster. The filesystem namespace tree and associated metadata are stored on the NameNode.

Namespace objects are file inodes and blocks that point to block files on the DataNodes. These namespace objects are stored as a file system image (fsimage) in the NameNode’s memory and also persist locally. Updates to the metadata are written to an edit log. When the NameNode starts, or when a checkpoint is taken, the edits are applied, the log is cleared, and a new fsimage is created.

On DataNodes, data files are measured by disk space consumed—the actual data length—and not necessarily the full block size.

For example, a file that is 192 MB consumes 192 MB of disk space and not some integral multiple of the block size. Using the default block size of 128 MB, a file of 192 MB is split into two block files, one 128 MB file and one 64 MB file. On the NameNode, namespace objects are measured by the number of files and blocks. The same 192 MB file is represented by three namespace objects (1 file inode + 2 blocks) and consumes approximately 450 bytes of memory.

Large files split into fewer blocks generally consume less memory than small files that generate many blocks. One data file of 128 MB is represented by two namespace objects on the NameNode (1 file inode + 1 block) and consumes approximately 300 bytes of memory. By contrast, 128 files of 1 MB each are represented by 256 namespace objects (128 file inodes + 128 blocks) and consume approximately 38,400 bytes. The optimal split size, then, is some integral multiple of the block size, for memory management as well as data locality optimization.

How much memory you actually need depends on your workload, especially on the number of files, directories, and blocks generated in each namespace. If all of your files are split at the block size, you could allocate 1 GB for every million files. But given the historical average of 1.5 blocks per file (2 block objects), a more conservative estimate is 1 GB of memory for every million blocks.

Example 1: Estimating NameNode Heap Memory Used
Alice, Bob, and Carl each have 1 GB (1024 MB) of data on disk, but sliced into differently sized files. Alice and Bob have files that are some integral of the block size and require the least memory. Carl does not and fills the heap with unnecessary namespace objects.

Alice: 1 x 1024 MB file
1 file inode
8 blocks (1024 MB / 128 MB)
Total = 9 objects * 150 bytes = 1,350 bytes of heap memory
Bob: 8 x 128 MB files
8 file inodes
8 blocks
Total = 16 objects * 150 bytes = 2,400 bytes of heap memory
Carl: 1,024 x 1 MB files
1,024 file inodes
1,024 blocks
Total = 2,048 objects * 150 bytes = 307,200 bytes of heap memory
Example 2: Estimating NameNode Heap Memory Needed
In this example, memory is estimated by considering the capacity of a cluster. Values are rounded. Both clusters physically store 4800 TB, or approximately 36 million block files (at the default block size). Replication determines how many namespace blocks represent these block files.

Cluster A: 200 hosts of 24 TB each = 4800 TB.
Blocksize=128 MB, Replication=1
Cluster capacity in MB: 200 * 24,000,000 MB = 4,800,000,000 MB (4800 TB)
Disk space needed per block: 128 MB per block * 1 = 128 MB storage per block
Cluster capacity in blocks: 4,800,000,000 MB / 128 MB = 36,000,000 blocks
At capacity, with the recommended allocation of 1 GB of memory per million blocks, Cluster A needs 36 GB of maximum heap space.
Cluster B: 200 hosts of 24 TB each = 4800 TB.
Blocksize=128 MB, Replication=3
Cluster capacity in MB: 200 * 24,000,000 MB = 4,800,000,000 MB (4800 TB)
Disk space needed per block: 128 MB per block * 3 = 384 MB storage per block
Cluster capacity in blocks: 4,800,000,000 MB / 384 MB = 12,000,000 blocks

At capacity, with the recommended allocation of 1 GB of memory per million blocks, Cluster B needs 12 GB of maximum heap space.
Both Cluster A and Cluster B store the same number of block files. In Cluster A, however, each block file is unique and represented by one block on the NameNode; in Cluster B, only one-third are unique and two-thirds are replicas.

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