Unable to initialize Falcon Client object. Cause : Could not authenticate, Authentication failed

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Unable to initialize Falcon Client object. Cause : Could not authenticate, Authentication failed

If you upgrade to or install HDP 2.5.0 or later without first installing the Berkeley DB file, you will get the error “Unable to initialize Falcon Client object. Cause : Could not authenticate, Authentication failed” or 

HTTP ERROR: 503 Problem accessing /index.html. Reason: SERVICE_UNAVAILABL or 

Falcon UI is unavailable. From Falcon logs: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.falcon.FalconException: Unable to get instance for org.apache.falcon.atlas.service.AtlasService



Steps :

1.Download the required Berkeley DB implementation file.

wget –O je-5.0.73.jar http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/sleepycat/je/5.0.73/je-5.0.73.jar

2. Log in to the Ambari server with administrator privileges.su – root

3. Copy the file to the Ambari server share folder.

cp je-5.0.73.jar /usr/share/

4. Set permissions on the file to owner=read/write, group=read, other=read.

chmod 644 /usr/share/je-5.0.73.jar

5. Configure the Ambari server to use the Berkeley DB driver.

ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=bdb --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/je-5.0.73.jar

6. Restart the Ambari server.ambari-server restart

7. Restart the Falcon service from the Ambari UI.You need to have administrator privileges in Ambari to restart a service.

8. In the Ambari web UI, click the Services tab and select the Falcon service in the left Services pane.From the Falcon Summary page, click Service Actions > Restart All.Click Confirm Restart All.

When the service is available, the Falcon status displays as Started on the Summary page.



November 22, 2019 at 10:27 am

Thank you!

Vidhya Sagar

November 26, 2019 at 5:12 pm

Thanks for this post! It solved the problem I had.

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